About Me

My experiences have led me to be a fast learner.

While my professional background is in the Information Technology field (IT), I have also re-habbed a 100 year old house, created a period garden to go with it, and trained/fostered rescue dogs.

My formal background includes studying Medical Technology at Michigan Technological University. As graduation neared, I changed my studies to major in Technical Communication. There I was able to strengthen research and writing skills. My plan was to write for medical companies.

Medical writing went out the door when I met a bunch of computer developers at a party. They needed a technical writer. I worked for their start-up company for about two years. This experience taught me about computer science and the developers who bring it to life.

For any fellow nerds out there, the first computer I touched was a Sun Microsystem workstation. I have been a UNIX/Linux fan girl for a long time.

I stayed in the world of computers and telecommunication software for over a decade. My roles included technical writer, project manager and system tester. I gleaned deep insight into the wants, needs, and desires of both IT pros and software end users.

After a break for raising my family, I went back to school to brush up on current technology. I earned an Associates degree in Information Technology.

How does this help you?

I learned to break down complex technical jargon into simple concepts. I can communicate in a way that helps executives or ordinary customers understand the benefits of your product. Better understanding of benefits helps drive sales and increases your ROI.

Outside of Work

I live on beautiful Lake Michigan near Traverse City, Michigan. Depending on the season, you can find me reading by a cozy fire, or enjoying the great outdoors.

I garden, fish, kayak, canoe and swim. Our rescue dog, Rex, is a great motivator who keeps me walking outside no matter what the weather.

In addition, I also appreciate good food and other cultures. For years my parents hosted Lions Youth Exchange students from Europe. I got to visit them in return.